Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Houston, We Have No Problems!

Well, the 4.25" Quattro rebuild is nearly completed (that's what I've named the scope, "Quattro").

I picked up the OTA from B & B Metal Finishing in York (those guys were just awesome!), and I rushed home to put everything together. Then, I started assembly, per the pictures.

Once the OTA was assembled with spider, helical focuser, pirmary mirror yoke, and cooling fan, I took the whole thing over to my in-laws' basement where I installed the OTA in the rocker box and velcro'ed the sucker in place. I quick balance rendered everything spiffy, and I finished off with a handsome brass patina knob for direction pointing.

Next, I broke out the allen wrenches and began collimation. Since I don't have a laser collimator right now, it was just by eyeball, but the results were passable.

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